The third weekend in September is the annual Fall Gathering at the North West Company Fur Post in Pine City, MN.  We had excellent representation from La Compagnie. We had twelve tents set up by the Snake River, with over 20 members present, most staying at the camp with a few sleeping elsewhere on site.  Our numbers were greatly enhanced by the dozen or so who joined us Saturday and/or Sunday, all day or at least for the Saturday night potluck.

Fall Gathering 2016 was a busy time - guests from all over enjoyed our camp!

Fall Gathering 2016 was a busy time – guests from all over enjoyed our camp!

Thelma overseeing the cooking fire at Fall Gathering 2016.  Photo by Melissa P.

Thelma overseeing the cooking fire.

Patrick D-S shared: “I had a great experience carving a canoe paddle with frequent stops to allow something like two dozen young people to get their hands on some really nice tools; thanks to Steve for the tools and the opportunity. It is so important that children not only hear about history but actually get to touch it. I was particularly impressed by the number of Boy Scouts who tried their hand at the small shave, I even had a four year old on the bench at one point, with dad in close attendance.  One memory that stands out is an Amish gentleman whom, on listening to a brief description of canoe building, immediately commented that the bark was really nothing more than waterproofing, with the remainder of the structure doing all the work. Obvious to those of us who are familiar with birch bark canoes; more to the point a testament to the

Steve B helping guests use a draw knife and a shaving horse to create a canoe paddle.

Steve B helping guests use a draw knife and a shaving horse to create a canoe paddle.

importance of living history where some of us might occasionally get a date or the name of an object wrong and yet, with the help of the reproductions, can readily express the intent and substance of those objects and events that make us who we are as a society.”

My favorite part of this event is the how much time we get to spend on the water with guests.  We often had lines of people waiting for the canoe to return and take another crew out.  A great way to make history come alive!

David celebrated his 42nd year at Fall Gathering and new members Sam, Joel, and Donna enjoyed their first!!

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